03 enero, 2007

Traffic / John Barleycorn

esta cancion me la paso Brunox, me parece linda de verdad
pero la historia cuando la entendi mi dio asi como miedo...
es media enferma...

la historia esta en
(ese link tambien es gracias a Bruno)


Traffic / John Barleycorn

There were three men came out of the west, their fortunes for to try
And these three men made a solemn vow
John Barleycorn must die
They've plowed, they've sown, they've harrowed him in
Threw clods upon his head
And these three men made a solemn vow
John Barleycorn was dead
They've let him lie for a very long time, 'til the rains from heaven did fall
And little Sir John sprung up his head and so amazed them all
They've let him stand 'til Midsummer's Day 'til he looked both pale and wan
And little Sir John's grown a long long beard and so become a man
They've hired men with their scythes so sharp to cut him off at the knee
They've rolled him and tied him by the way, serving him most barbarously
They've hired men with their sharp pitchforks who've pricked him to the heart
And the loader he has served him worse than that
For he's bound him to the cart
They've wheeled him around and around a field 'til they came onto a pond

And there they made a solemn oath on poor John Barleycorn
They've hired men with their crabtree sticks to cut him skin from bone
And the miller he has served him worse than that
For he's ground him between two stones

And little Sir John and the nut brown bowl and his brandy in the glass
And little Sir John and the nut brown bowl proved the strongest man at last
The huntsman he can't hunt the fox nor so loudly to blow his horn
And the tinker he can't mend kettle or pots without a little barleycorn

5 comentarios:

Bruno Ysla Heredia dijo...

Y es folklórica, por si acaso. Aaaahhhhh, la música folklórica es TAN GRANDE ¿qué haríamos sin Bob Dylan, sin Manuelcha Prado, sin Chabuca Granda, sin la Lira Paucina y tanta gente grande que esta hora temprana y el sueño me impiden recordar?

F dijo...

no se oye padre.. q diga, la cancion no suena.. estas segura q no te han boicoteado? (eso te pasa x andar peleandote con anonimoAs , ja)

Tienes que poner el post con la introduccion de Bruno, o si no lo hare yo en mi blog.

rosario / akito dijo...

como que noo!!
estoy escuchandolo en este instante... lavate las orejas salcedo.

ahh oye ponlo tu en tu blog, el comentario de bruno a mi me gusta como esta este.


Bruno Ysla Heredia dijo...

Dije la Lira Paucina cuando quise decir "Espíritu Sikuri" en realidad; no importa. Akito, en las opciones de comentarios hay una para hacer que aparezcan las fechas en que fueron hechos, así se ve mejor. Digo, nomás.

Anónimo dijo...

yo queria saber eso!!!